Echoes of Us by Teegan Loy
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Echoes of Us was a huge and very unexpected surprise.
After the initial shock and disappointment at the use of insta love and the fact that these two are music stars without a bad boy attitude, [a:Teegan Loy|6449698|Teegan Loy|]showed me that I can still LOVE a book that is not perfect in all the things.
It was a slow burn, a slow and long way to that point where my heart was crying silent tears and I couldn't believe she was doing that to me.
Rylan is the type of guy that never puts his feelings on the line, except he does, so much it hurts. He has to put up with his parents rejecting him, or at least he thinks they are. He feels he is not good enough, always a disappointment to them.
He meets Jade, and even when he tells himself he is not going to go there, he does and falls in love like never before. These two make an amazing couple, they complement each other so well. Jade jumps right into the relationship even though this is the first time he feels attracted to a man.
The journey into their relationship is one that I loved reading, how carefree Jade was, and how that carefree attitude pushes Rylan to relax and enjoy the ride.
It is not just about their love, it’s about their music too. And all their struggles as they reach the top.
I don’t want to give much more away. I can tell you that you will need your kleenex. I can tell you that you will truly love the secondary characters, these female roles that surround them are strong and reliable; I wish I had a Maggie in my corner sometimes!
I love a book that can still surprise me, I love a book that is not full of cliches. I love an author that grabs an idea and makes it her/his own, showing me something different and unique.
It was the pace, it was the characterization, it was the relationships between the characters..
I´m glad I picked this book and I hope you will give it a chance to surprise you too.
Reviewed for Gay List Book Reviews
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