By Any Other Name by Tia Fielding
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What an amazing book! I'm in love.
I've missed Tia's writing so much, and I've been waiting to get my hands on this book for ages now.
Well, I enjoyed it so much.
The writing was flawless, the MCs where so complex but easy to relate too.
The was she portraits Skye's trauma and recovery, is real, not from one day to the other by magic.
It takes time and you can see all 3 of them struggling.
And not just with Skye's recovery but with their feelings for each other.
You see that the story is heading for a threesome from the very beginning but the development of the story is slow, the author gets to the point where is actually perfect for them to be together because each of them individually are in a place where they can take that next step into the physical part of their relationship.
Their connection and love is strong.
Dru and Thom are just amazing. How they open up their home, life and love to welcome Skye, make him feel safe and loved...beautiful.
The ending, well I just hope she is working on the second book, because if there was one thing that it didnt work for me is that it felt too short!
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