Pressure Head by J.L. Merrow
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Well, it was a good book, it just left me with a want for more.
The writing is really good, as always. Nice MCs, with good backgrounds and all.
The murder mystery was interesting and keep you guessing.
But, I couldn´t really get too involved with them.
There were lots of names mix in it, and I didn´t get to care about them all.
I was, maybe, too invest in the love story and the UST to really care about anything else.
And when that UST resolved in one night, it left me with a "that´s it?" kind of feeling.
There was so much more, in my opinion, to talk about, there was a lot that was left unsaid.
I don’t want the story to be delivered in my lap with a red bow but I wish there wasn´t as many loose ends, especially when it comes to the MC´s relationship.
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